Volume 2, Issue 1
02 February 2007:
back to work, almost
After our extended winter vacation, new music will begin once more next week on gratemusic.com and LDSmusic.us. While you wait, check out our exciting news!First, at 7:30 the evening of Friday, 9 February 2007, the annual Church Music Festival is happening at the Assembly Hall on Temple Square. A choir will be performing When Godly Sorrow Moves the Soul, which received an award of distinction in the Church Music Contest for 2006. If you are around Salt Lake, feel free to come and listen. It is not a large venue, so be sure to get there early. If you do come, please come and say hello after the performance. Both David Macfarlane and Nathan Howe will be in attendance. Details are on the calendar at LDS.org
Secondly, Nathan Howe has written a song, Miracle of Faith, to accompany a video produced by BYU-Idaho to promote its YFE program. You can view the video on their website: http://www.byui.edu/ce/youth/video/yfevideo.htm.