
finally, a music post

Today, I've been scrambling to get together a new piece for a promotional video. It's called Miracle of Faith, and it's about the legacy of religious pioneers. My current modus operandi for recording is to use a borrowed four-track recorder and a Radio Shack microphone, and then to import from that into Cakewalk on my desktop computer. The MP3s on gratemusic.com and LDSmusic.us were produced with more sophisticated equipment, but I'm hoping I can make this work. In a way, it feels great to start out small. That is, we can be small in capital without being substandard in the quality of music we produce.

So far in this project, I have written most of a song (by written, I mean scrawled a few words in a notebook), and I have made a lo-fi demo recording with a handheld digital voice recorder. However, the entire supposedly CD-quality project is due in 45 hours, so I'll let you know how the mad rushing goes and what the fruits are. I think Miracle of Faith may be the song for LDSmusic.us this week, but I'm not actually sure what we'll do.

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